Green Ficus Elastica has beautiful rubbery leaves and grows rapidly. They're easy to care for and prefer moderate light
More tolerant than its cousin the Fiddle Leaf Fig, Ficus Audrey is forgiving of low or filtered light. Its small, matte green leaves resemble that of the rubber plant.
Hoya is a semi-succulent that has beautiful foliage and extremely unique, aromatic flowers. They thrive on neglect and won’t need constant repotting like many houseplants. As long as you give them enough sun they’re sure to bloom.
Our store is stocked with an abundance of new pottery! With options from traditional to contemporary or creative, we're
sure you'll find the perfect style to fit your space!
Peperomia is a sturdy semi-succulent that is wonderfully easy to care for. Place in a space with bright, indirect light for best results. We carry many varieties including marble, rosso, watermelon, nevada, and more!